
Thursday, September 17, 2015

On graphic design and my love/hate relationship with it

Once upon a time, there was a girl who studied industrial design. She had looked at al the creative things she could study and decided to do something with technology that was also art. She failed to finish her degree.

However, before she decided to go to university to study the art of design, she looked at graphic design with wariness and interest. She knew herself well enough to know it was not in her blood to make something for flat paper. So after a day she shoved the idea aside and went on with life. 

And now here I am. Making posters and flyers, some for a society, some for fun.

This is what I do with too much time on my hands. I started making stuff for flat paper. This particular design is a pick me up to get me off my ass and to be a good person. I'm currently waiting for it to be printed so I can hang it on my wall.

Or this amazing work of Photoshop beauty:

which will be plastered all over the back of a Fresher's Fayre stall. I may now know some more ways to use photoshop, but my sense of composition is not there yet, it seems.

I love beautiful designs and the wonder that can shine of a well designed page, but I'm self aware enough to know I should not be the person doing it, unless I'm the only one seeing the results...

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